Sunday, May 20, 2007

Tyco the Recycler

Tyco has taken on new responsibilities here at 3913. now that he is 12 he has taken it upon himself to help with recycling. the recyclables have moved into the pantry so they're not too tempting for him but he seems to find them. every few days we come downstairs to find our recyclables have been chewed up and moved into the backyard. yesterday it was the milk carton and a cereal box. i think he's just trying to take care of things for us and get them closer to the street.

then today we went to visit some friends up the street. tyco was actually ok off leash in their backyard. but apparently he wanted to help some with recycling there too. we looked over and tyco let out a whimper and started running around the patio with the green recycling bucket attached to his collar. tyco was scared to tears and we dissolved into laughter as all the plastic bottles from the earlier birthday party spilled all over the patio. so nice of him to offer to help. they rewarded him with a leftover hamburger from the party. nice guy.

here's a recent touched up photo of tyco looking 'blue' on the deck. i have no recycling ones yet but i'm sure i'll get the chance for some soon.