Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tyco's Getting up there

Tyco is aging. maybe that's not very nice to point out but i KNOWit is happening because, well his behavior is changing.

when Maddie and Akira started aging they just got more and more demanding in a little old lady sort of way. they didn't want to wait around for treats (akira) or to have the door opened for them (maddie) they wanted what they wanted and they wanted it NOW! emphasis with LOTS of BARKS

tyco is a bit more subtle but he's just taking more and more liberties around here. the first sign was that when he wasn't getting the treats off of our plates, despite putting his nose in our laps and walking rings around the coffee table he finally put both front paws ON the coffee table and stole max's fake bacon right off of his plate. the nerve!!! we scolded him but apparently he liked the outcome of getting food for that because he's tried it more than once since. ugh!

next.... yesterday it was wet and rainy, a good day for a nice hot yoga practice with deep poses. so i'm in the room sitting to practice bridge pose when wet old tyco comes in for rubs. so he collapses by my side and i pet him as long as i can from the slightly upside down position i am in. then it's time for me to go full into shoulderstand. so now my elbows are on the floor, my lowback is in my hands and my hips and feet are in the air above my shoulders , i can't reach around to pet him OR to stop him from his next move. he runs out of the room and the next thing i hear is a little squeak of my bed as he's making his wet self comfortable on our covers. (at least he chose max's side) and of course i know part of this is my fault because i didn't actually come out of the pose to get him out of bed. but again, the Nerve of this friend, especially now that he has his own little puppy bed in our room.

i think it's the age making him feel like he gets whatever he wants. the world is his for the taking.

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