Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New Puppies

As we all know, we had to say good-bye to sweet Akira in May as she made her trip to doggy heaven. I imagine she is getting LOTS of treats and plenty of attention without having to throw a fit. and she probably isn't getting any rubs she isn't asking for. lucky dog.

So, without Akira, the blog has been on a break for the summer. but of course, max and i being the pup lovers that we are have not taken a break from Tyco. and i know i personally have NOT taken a break from entertaining the idea of getting another sweet pup to befriend tyco. (especially when he cries at night when max isn't home). but we decided not to go ahead with that idea just yet. the stress of bringing in another dog when Tyco is clearly more of a people person doesn't seem worth it.

and so, off i went to Bali. Bali is full of dogs. they warn you of this in all the guidebooks. lots and LOTS of stray dogs. dogs that are not cared for and look horrible.

Here are some of the better looking of the strays... the temple dog, the puppies we shared our cookies with, and the beach bum...

So being in Bali was a little sad because you can't just walk up and start petting the pups there. they'll bite your hand off or give you a disease or something. and that was how it was until we went to our beachside bungalows at pondok pisang...chandidasa. then we met the sweetest most wonderful and cuddly pups imaginable and my heart melted at the idea of a black lab coming into max, mine, and tyco's life.... see photos of the sweet pup loves all around:(ps don't tell tyco i was sharing loves with so many other pups and that they're on his blog, he might get jelous)

All those beautiful Bali baby dogs. i was so happy when we found some that were definitely pets not vermin. they were so sweet. i came home ready to adopt. slowly that idea faded

but it came back again a few weeks ago when i got an email about these sweet puppies with no home. i thought surely Tyco would love to have a puppy. but, turns out it's all a hoax. there are no black labs. : ( dang internet!

As it is max and i decided now isn't exactly the time for a new puppy. especially because the new puppy would definitely have to abide by NEW RULES and a much stricter code of behavior. i'm afraid poor friend might teach her bad habits, OR go into shock when he had to live by the new rules. so for now it's just the three of us here. and i'm sure akira's around in spirit.

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