Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter Treat for Huskies

Tyco and Akira were very lucky pups this Easter. The Easter Bunny didn't bring them chocolate or special dog treats. This year they got SNOW on the morning before Easter. Max and I woke up to about an inch in the trees and on the ground. We were shocked that Tyco didn't come up to tell us about it, so we went down to find them.

first they were under the Azalea bush cuddled together... you can barely see them under the branches

Then Tyco came out to check things out and to get some rubs.
He's such a softy!

Finally Akira came out but she generally tried to run away from the camera as much as possible and tried to look upset about the condition of her backyard, but we know it was all an act!That's her trying to run away.
Snowy Nose
My deck is covered in snow!!! GRRR!!!
(i think this means i disearve a treat!Right?)
Happy Easter Friends!!!

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